Ruhuna-Duke Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Weekend Closed
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  • John Bollinger, a DGHI master student joined for a study titled “The Epidemiology, Risk Profiles, and Outcomes of Patients Infected with Carbapenem – Resistant Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Centre from September to November 2019 to collect data, data entry, data analysis and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Ajith Nagahawatte, Prof. Champica Bodinayake and Dr. Gayani Tillekeratne.

  • Chi Zang, a DGHI master student joined in a research study titled “Streptococcus Pneumoniae Colonization among Children in Galle, Sri Lanka” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Centre from June to August 2019 to collect data, data entry, data analysis and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Dr. Gaya Wijayaratne.Investigators and Dr. Gayani Tillekeratne.

  • David Tom Van Melle, a graduate student from University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, joined in to Duke-Ruhuna Research program to engage in Scientific Internship and take part in a sub-study of the research study titled “Respiratory Infection Severity and Etiology in Sri-Lanka” from December 2018 to February 2019 to collect data, data analysis and preparation reports as needed under the supervision of Guus ten Asbroek(Amsterdam University),Dr.Gayani Tillekeratne and  Prof. Vijitha De Silva.

  • Ruoyu Hu, a DGHI master student joined in a research study titled “Utility and evaluation of MeTree on family health history collection in Sri Lanka” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from June to August 2018 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Prof. Truls Ostbye, Prof. HMM Herath and Prof. Vijitha De Silva.

  • Courtney Elise Wimberly, a DGHI master student joined in a cross-sectional study titled “Mental well-being in Sri Lankan students” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from June to August 2018 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Dr. Harshini Rajapake and Prof. Truls Ostbye.

  • Jacob Christy, a DGHI master student joined to conduct a research study under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from May to July 2018. Data collection, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports conducted under the supervision of Prof. Champica Bodinayake and Dr. Gayani Tillekeratne.

  • Christine Anne Wang, a DVM PhD student (North Carolina State University, Collage of Veterinary Medicine) joined in a research study titled “ Ecology and Evoluation of Infectious Diseases among Human and Livestock Population among Agricultural Communities of 3 MOH Divisions in Galle District” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from May to August 2018 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Prof. Ajith Nagahawatte, Dr. Gaya Wijayarathne and Dr. Gayani Tillekeratne.

  • Ms. Qiping Fan, a master student from Duke e Kunshan University, joined a mixed method study titled “Prevalence, Risk factors and Strategies for Postpartum Depression in Bope Poddala, Galle District and Dankotuwa, Puttalam District, Sri Lanka” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from May to August 2018 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Dr. Qian Long (Duke e Kunshan University), Prof. Truls Ostbye and Prof. Vijitha De Silva.

  • Ms. Kamilla Anna Pinter, a master student from Duke Kunshan University, joined in a pilot study titled “Exposure to lead among anaemic and non-anaemic Children in Sri Lanka“under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from May to July 2018 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Dr. Abu Abdullah (Duke e Kunshan University), Prof. Truls Ostbye and Dr. Champa Wijesinghe.

  • Tianchen Sheng, a DGHI master student Joined in a Point-Prevalence Survey of “Antibiotic Use Among Inpatients in Southern Sri Lanka” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from June to August 2017 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Gayani Tillekeratne and Dr. W M D Gaya B Wijayaratne. 

  • Lindy Reynolds, a DGHI master student Joined in a Cross-Sectional Study Describing “Prehospital Transportation & Care of Externally-caused, Acute Injuries in Galle, Sri Lanka” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from June to August 2017 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Truls Ostbye and Prof. Vijitha De Silva.

  • Dilani Logan, a DGHI master student Joined in a Survey Study of “Resource Needs, Availability and Use Amongst Children with Down Syndrome and their Caregivers in Galle, Sri Lanka” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from August to November 2017 to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Truls Ostbye and Prof. Vijitha De Silva.

  • Charmaine Mutucumarana, a 4th year medical student of Duke University joined the research study titled: “Sri Lanka Emerging Acute Respiratory Infection and Febrile Illness Characterization Study (SEARCh)” as a supporting research student from 25th of September 2016 for 6 months under the supervision of Dr. Gayani Tillekeratne, Dr. Ajith Nagahawatte and Dr. Champica Bodinayake to work on identifying and characterizing dengue-positive samples collected during the 2013-2014 season and to analyze the GIS data collected for the SEARCh study.

  • Hannah Meredith, a PhD student of Duke University joined the study titled “Multidrug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae among antenatal women and infants in southern Sri Lanka” as a supporting research student August 2016 (one month) for the study sample collection, processing and testing under the supervision of Gayani Tillekeratne, Dr. Sarath Kularatna and Dr. Ajith Nagahawatte.

  • Jihye Suk, a DGHI MSc student Joined the research study “Regarding the perception of HIV of Sri Lankan public health workers” under the Duke-Ruhuna Collaborative Research Program from June 2016 to August 2016 to work with the local study coordinator to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Prof. Truls Ostbye (Assistant Professor at DGHI) and Dr Vijitha De Silva.

  • Kaitlin Saxon, a DGHI MSc student Joined the program to work on “Effect of grandparent-grandchild interaction on socio-emotional and cognitive outcomes of adolescent grandchildren in Sri Lanka” study from June to August 2015 under the supervision of Prof. Bilesha Perera and Prof. Truls Ostbye. Data analysis, publications and thesis writing are still to be completed.

  • Janae Logan, a DGHI MSc student at Duke University, joined the research study titled “Non-invasive prenatal testing” from 30th May 2015 to 15th August 2015 to work with the local study coordinator to collect data, data entry, data analysis, and preparing reports as needed under the supervision of Dr. Subhashini Chandrasekharan (Assistant Professor at Global Health Institute) and Dr Vijitha De Silva.

  • Ryan Max, a MSPH student from Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University joined the “Sri Lanka Emerging Acute Respiratory infection and Febrile illness Characterization” Study to work with local study doctors to collect quality data and specimens, assist with year two data cleaning and Dengue ELSIA kit validation from June to September 2014 under the mentorship of Dr. Megan E Reller and Dr. Champica Bodinayake.

  • Enying Gong, a MSc-GH student joined the Sri Lanka Road Traffic Injury Research Team from May to July 2014 to the “Prevalence and risk factors of the traffic crashes and near misses among adolescents aged 16 – 18 years old in Galle, Sri Lanka” study to perform the built environment analysis of school environments and collaborating with Sri Lankan co-investigators to complete risk assessment surveys of students in Galle Sri Lanka under the supervision of Dr. Catherine Lynch and Dr. Vijitha De Silva.

  • Gayani Tillekeratne, a Global Health Fellow (HYC) started the “Molecular characterization of extended-spectrum beta-lactamase and carbapenamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in Southern Sri Lanka” as a requirement of her master program and also joined in Febrile Illness Study March 2013 through December 2013 to supervise Research Assistants, assisting with database design and data analysis under the mentorship of Prof. Chris Woods and Dr. Champica Bodinayake.

  • Anna Uehara, a DGHI MSc student joined the “Sri Lanka Emerging Acute Respiratory infection and Febrile illness Characterization” Study to help in the development of the collaborative molecular laboratory and focused on transferring the technology and techniques such as ELISA and PCR for the diagnosis of Dengue from July to Oct 2013 under the mentorship of Prof. Chris Woods and Dr. Ajith Nagahawatte. She has successfully defended her thesis.

  • Xiao Ma, a first year master student from Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins University joined the “Sri Lanka Emerging Acute Respiratory infection and Febrile Illness Characterization” Study to work with local study doctors to collect quality data and specimens, assist with database design and real-time data entry, ensure optimal collection and storage of clinical samples, data analysis from July to Sep 2013 under the mentorship of Dr. Megan E Reller and Dr. Champica Bodinayake.

  • Misa Noda, a Medical undergraduate from Duke Singapore spent 8 weeks in Galle and completed data collection on her study titled “Health of Three wheeler drivers in Galle, Sri Lanka” in 2013 under the supervision of Dr. Vijitha De Silva, Dr. Rahul Malhotra and Prof. Truls Ostbye.

  • Julie Krause, a master student of Johns Hopkins University joined “Sri Lanka Emerging Acute Respiratory infection and Febrile illness characterization” Study to work with local study doctors to collect quality data and specimens from October 2012 to January 2013 under the mentorship of Dr. Megan E Reller and Dr. Champica Bodinayake. She completed her thesis on “antibiotic use among patients with acute febrile illness presenting to a hospital in southern Sri Lanka” in May 2013.

  • Chen Chen, a master student of Johns Hopkins University joined “Sri Lanka Emerging Acute Respiratory infection and Febrile illness characterization” Study to work with local study doctors to collect quality data and specimens from July to September 2012 under the mentorship of Dr. Megan E Reller and Dr. Champica Bodinayake.

  • Devarati Das successfully completed her thesis defense on her study titled “Exploring Physicians’ Perceptions of Registered Medical Officers in Galle, Sri Lanka” from May to August 2012. This study was carried out under the supervision of Dr. Vijitha De Silva, Prof. Truls Ostbye and Prof. Justine Strand.

  • Libby Jones was in Galle from May to August 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Vijitha De Silva and Prof. Justine Strand to work on her thesis on “Exploring the Attitudes and Perceptions of Assistant and Registered Medical Officers Toward their Role in Health Care Delivery in Sri Lanka”

  • Jacob Kirkorowicz, a master student in Global Health was in Galle from June to August 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Vijitha De Silva to do his research on occupational health concerns of tuk-tuk drivers.

  • Lauren Beaudry (School of Nursing student) was working in nursing homes and aging centers between June to August 2011; her mentors were Profs. Asia and Truls and Dr. Vijitha.

  • Sarah Lombardo was working on the textile project and completed her thesis on “Musculoskeletal Symptoms Among Female Garment Factory Workers in Sri Lanka” with Prof. Truls Ostbye and Dr. Vijitha DeSilva May to August 2011.

  • Wenfeng Gong joined Febrille Illness project in 2010 and completed the thesis on “Febrile Disease Epidemiology and Geospatial Modeling in Southern Sri Lanka” under the supervision of Dr. C K Bodinayake and Prof. Chris Wood.

  • Ufuom Akoroda, a duke student Joined Febrille Illness project in 2010 and completed the thesis on “Chikungunya as an Emerging Cause of Acute Febrile Illness in Southern Sri Lanka” under the supervision of Dr. C K Bodinayake and Prof. Chris Woods.
