Ruhuna-Duke Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, Galle, Sri Lanka Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Weekend Closed
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  •  Julia Rose Salinaro, Duke PA students were in the faculty from 28th January 2020, for a four weeks elective rotation (Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Com. Medicine).

  • Allison Samantha Bloom Duke PA student was in the faculty from 28th January 2020, for four weeks elective rotation (Medicine, Com.Medicine)

  • Lara Hendy Quinlivan, Duke PA student, was in the faculty in January 2019 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Pediatrics, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Com. Medicine).

  • Christopher Couch and Caroline Shore, Duke PA students, were in the faculty in February 2017 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Com. Medicine).

  • Emily Choi and Paula Perkins, Duke PA students, were in the faculty in February 2016 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Medicine, Surgery and Com. Medicine).

  • Yelena Babashova and Carla Longanecker, Duke PA students, were in the faculty in March 2015 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Com. Medicine).

  • Rebeca H Piane, Megan Barrus and Diane Coles Duke PA students, were in Sri Lanka in March 2014 for a 4-weeks elective rotation.

  • Whitney Patrick and Kathryn Stern, Duke PA students, were in Sri Lanka in January 2014 for a 4-week elective rotation.

  • Meera Gandhi, Danielle King and Lance Adams, PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in January 2013 for a 4-week elective rotation (Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Com. Medicine).

  • Kristen Fromal and Teresa Schreiber, PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in January 2012 for a 4 -week elective rotation (Obstetrics & Gynecology, Surgery and Com. Medicine).

  • Tracy Curtis, Holly Stump and Mollie O/Mara, PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in January 2011 for a 4-week elective rotation (Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Medicine & Com unity Medicine).

  • Chad Eventide and Ermelinda Xhemali PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in February 2010 for a 4-week elective rotation.
