Julia Rose Salinaro, Duke PA students were in the faculty from 28th January 2020, for a four weeks elective rotation (Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Com. Medicine).
Allison Samantha Bloom Duke PA student was in the faculty from 28th January 2020, for four weeks elective rotation (Medicine, Com.Medicine)
Lara Hendy Quinlivan, Duke PA student, was in the faculty in January 2019 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Pediatrics, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Com. Medicine).
Christopher Couch and Caroline Shore, Duke PA students, were in the faculty in February 2017 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Com. Medicine).
Emily Choi and Paula Perkins, Duke PA students, were in the faculty in February 2016 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Medicine, Surgery and Com. Medicine).
Yelena Babashova and Carla Longanecker, Duke PA students, were in the faculty in March 2015 for a 4-weeks elective rotation (Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Com. Medicine).
Rebeca H Piane, Megan Barrus and Diane Coles Duke PA students, were in Sri Lanka in March 2014 for a 4-weeks elective rotation.
Whitney Patrick and Kathryn Stern, Duke PA students, were in Sri Lanka in January 2014 for a 4-week elective rotation.
Meera Gandhi, Danielle King and Lance Adams, PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in January 2013 for a 4-week elective rotation (Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics and Com. Medicine).
Kristen Fromal and Teresa Schreiber, PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in January 2012 for a 4 -week elective rotation (Obstetrics & Gynecology, Surgery and Com. Medicine).
Tracy Curtis, Holly Stump and Mollie O/Mara, PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in January 2011 for a 4-week elective rotation (Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynecology, Pediatrics, Medicine & Com unity Medicine).
Chad Eventide and Ermelinda Xhemali PA students of Duke were in Sri Lanka in February 2010 for a 4-week elective rotation.
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